10. ročník
10. ročník
Awards list of the competition you can find in the section NEWS.
18th edition, June 21 - 22 2024, SLAVKOV U BRNA - Slavkov Castle, Czech Republic.
Oenoforum – Czech International Wine Competition is the worlds biggest wine competition under the patronage of OIV – International organization for wine and viniculture headquartered in Paris, in the Czech Republic. The organizer of this spectacular event is Czech Wine and Grape Producers’ Association and is open for all producers and dealers of wine. The competition is open to all grape varieties. Moreover, the grape varieties Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon and Ryzlink vlašský and Pálava, as the opposite, our typical Czech grape variety, will be judged and awarded with prizes in their own separate categories.
OENOFORUM – Czech International Wine competition brings a unique opportunity to compare wines from different areas of Europe and the world which are characterized by different terroir, but also wines that are produced using different and very often completely opposed technologies. In the judge panel are the worlds most respected sommeliers, officers of OIV, UIOE and also the best tasters from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The organizer is therefore the Czech Wine and Grape Producers’ Association with the support of Viticultural Fund of Czech Republic, National Viticulural centre, o.p.s. and other organizations. The competition is fully compliant to the OIV standard for international wine and spirituous beverages of vitivinicultural origin competitions - resolution OIV/concours 332A/2009.
The deadline for submitting applications is the seven of June 2024.
All results will be published on June 29 2024 at 9.00 a.m.
There is a posibility to order any medals (Champion, Grand Gold, Gold, Silver) all awarded wines for a labeling. You have to fill in this form and send it to us to email svcr@svcr.cz
OENOFORUM 2024_orderofmedals_2024
The price is 0,096 € (without VAT)/per piece. There is a discount by order:
Delivery by post or by personal takeover in Velké Bílovice
Payment by bank transfer (invoice) or cash.
After filling in order form, send it to svcr@svcr.cz.
Your order will be processed immediately, you will be informed about the delivery date.
International wine conference in conjunction with Oenoforum 2024 is an unique opportunity for all that work in this exciting industry. From vine-dressers and oenologists through sommeliers to wine dealers. It is a great opportunity that brings the European outlook on topic of each respective edition of this conference. There are three basic factors supporting this concept. The international speakers are always chosen on the basis of their location, so that the experience they bring is motivational and beneficial to the local producers. Part of the conference is also hands-on. Each presentation is enhanced by tasting topic appropriate wines chosen by the speaker. Last but not least is the topic. The topic is chosen in order to highlight the development and innovation within the industry, but also to show the experience of producers from the wine producing countries.
The new cycle of international conferences at the Oenoforum will always focus on one of the world's varieties and trends in their processing in typical regions.
SLAVKOV U BRNA - The Castle (presentation area of "Konírna")
Number of participants: 80
08.45 - 09.15 presence
09.15 - 09.30 start of the conference
09.30 - 10.00 Pavel Buchta / Vinařský ráj - general partner / Czech Republic
10.00 - 11.00 Moritz Jülg, Winery Jülg / terroir Pfalz, Germany
11.00 - 11.30 coffee break
11.30- 12.30 Stefan Tscheppe a Josef Stumvoll, Winery Hofkellerei des Fürsten von Liechtenstein / Austrian appellation Leitheberg DAC and Liechtenstein Valley Vaduz, Austria and Liechtenstein
12.30 - 13.30 Jaromír Gala, Gala Winery / terroir Pálava, Czech Republic
13.30 - 13.50 coffee break
13.50 - 14.50 Louis de La Brosse, cooperage Tonnellerie François Frères / France
Conference price (price including VAT):
- professional program with sample tasting, service, interpreting, note materials, refreshments throughout the conference
Price: 1890 CZK
24. 06. 2024
The two-day wine evaluation in the presentable stables of Slavkov Chateau determined the results of the 18th Oenoforum - Czech International Wine Competition. The best white wine was the Tramín červený from Moravia region and Czech wines added 6 more category winners. Two Champions will go to Slovakia and one to Moldova. Oenoforum is organized by the Czech Grape and Wine Producers Association as the largest and only international wine competition in the Czech Republic under the patronage of the OIV - International Organization for Wine and Viticulture.
The champion of the young wine became Sauvignon 2023, CHOP from the Slovak winery VÍNO MRVA & STANKO. The best white wine was Tramín červený 2022, late-harvested wine from Vinařství Škrobák. The best red wine was the Aurore Rara Neagra 2020 from Fautor, LTD, Moldova and the title for the best cuvée went to the Slovak wine 3 Brugundy 2021, CHOP, also from the VÍNO MRVA & STANKO winery.
Winemakers from Czech Republic won in 6 categories:
- In the category of dry white wines of the 2023 vintage, the winner was Welschriesling 2023, late-harvested wine from the Vinařství Tichý.
- In the category of dry white wines of the vintage 2022 and older, the winner was Welschriesling 2023, late-harvested wine from VINAŘSTVÍ MIKROSVÍN MIKULOV
- In the category of white semi-dry wines, the winner was Sauvignon 2023, late-harvested wines from Vinařství Tichý
- In the category of white mediumsweet wines the winner was Cépage Pálava 2022, late-harvested wine from NOVÉ VINAŘSTVÍ
- In the category of dry red wines of the vintage 2022 and older, the winner was Cabernet Sauvignon 2019, late-harvested wine from Vinařství Kněží hora
- In the sparkling wine category, the winner was Bohemia sekt Prestige Charodnnay brut 2019, a quality sparkling wine from BOHEMIA SEKT
- Award Ing. Jindřicha Ševčíka, CSc. for the highest rated wine of the Sauvignon blanc variety was awarded to Sauvignon 2023, late-harvested wine from Vinařství Tichý
- The best Welschriesling of the competition was Welschriesling 2022, late harvest from ENTRÉE vinařství
- The best Pálava of the competition was Pálava 2021, a selection of grapes from Vinařství Obelisk
- The best wine collection at the competition was awarded to Pavel Binder - rodinné vinařství
An inseparable part of the programme of Oenoforum was an international conference attended by respected experts from the wine sector. Chardonnay with the subtitle "Quo vadis? was the topic this year. The position, development and prospects of the grape variety in the nearby regions of Europe", the speakers were Moritz Jülg from the Jülg winery in the Pfalz wine region of Germany, Stefan Tscheppe, General Manager of the Prince of Liechtenstein Winery and Josef Stumvoll, oenologist from the Hofkellerei des Fürsten von Liechtenstein Winery, Jaromír Gala from the Vinařství Gala and Louis de La Brosse from the Tonnellerie François Frères, one of the most famous cooperages in the world.
"I would like to emphasize the conference, which had an exceptionally high level this year, and the quality of the entered and awarded wines," said PhDr. Martin Chlad, president of the competition and the organizing Czech Grape and Wine Producers Association and added: "In general, now and in the coming years, we want to make our sector more accessible to young people, to introduce them to our work and put it into practice. This is why we cooperate with several schools. We put the students from the local high school of gastronomy and hotel management to work in the service, and three selected students shadowed members of the organizing team. Graduates from Mendel's Faculty of Horticulture were then directly involved in the wine evaluation."
In total 428 wines from Austria, Slovakia, Portugal, New Zealand, Hungary, Germany and of course the Czech Republic were entered into the 18th Oenoforum 2024. The competition took place on 21 and 22 June in the presentation rooms of the Chateau Slavkov. A day earlier, an international wine conference took place there.
The competition and the conference are organised and hosted by the Czech Grape and Wine Producers Association with the support of the Vinařský fond of the Czech Republic, the Národní vinařské centrum, o.p.s. and other organisations. The general partner is the company Vinařský ráj.
04. 06. 2024
Reprezentační prostory historického zámku Slavkov u Brna se 20. června stanou místem konání prestižní mezinárodní konference při soutěži vín Oenoforum 2024. Letošním tématem je odrůda Chardonnay s podtitulem "Quo vadis? Pozice, vývoj a perspektiva odrůdy révy vinné v blízkých regionech Evropy." Přednášející dorazí z Rakouska, Lichtenštejnska, Německa, Francie a samozřejmě bude zastoupena i Česká republika.
Konferenci zahájí Pavel Buchta, obchodní manažer společnosti Vinařský ráj, která je již několik let generálním partnerem. Svojí přednáškou naváže na loňské téma "Vinařská fyzika" a bude se věnovat využití pneumatických lisů ve vztahu k odrůdě Chardonnay. Součástí jeho vystoupení bude i ochutnávka tří špičkových českých vín této odrůdy.
Inspirativní přednášky:
• Moritz Jülg z vinařství Jülg v německé vinařské oblasti Pfalz. Vinařství založil v roce 1961 Oskar Jülg, průkopník používání dubových sudů v Německu. Moritz, zástupce třetí generace této vinařské rodiny, nás provede spojením francouzského stylu a německé preciznosti, porovná různé kvalitativní úrovně sektu a srovná vína VDP.ORTSWEIN a VDP.ERSTE LAGE.
• Stefan Tscheppe (generální ředitel vinařství knížete z Lichtenštejna) a Josef Stumvoll (enolog) z Vinařství Hofkellerei des Fürsten von Liechtenstein, zastupují rakouskou apelaci Leitheberg DAC a lichtenštejnské údolí Vadúz. Tito odborníci představí svůj přístup ke dvěma rozdílným terroir a nabídnou vzorky vín z Rakouska i Lichtenštejnska.
• Jaromír Gala z Vinařství Gala nás seznámí se svou cestou za dokonalou chutí terroir Pálavy. Jaromír a Alžběta ji hledají od roku 2007, kdy vysadili na Pálavě nové vinice. Přednáška se zaměří na dva typy zpracování odrůdy Chardonnay: šumivá a tichá vína. Srovná půdní složení Pálavy s regionem Champagne a degustace odhalí podobnosti i rozdíly. Druhá část se zaměří na filosofii výroby tichých vín z této odrůdy s degustací tří ročníků jejich Chardonnay.
• Louis de La Brosse z Tonnellerie François Frères, jednoho z nejslavnějších bednářství na světě, přinese své zkušenosti z burgundských vinařství (např. Chateau Pommard, Faiveley). Louis se zaměří na historické a moderní zpracování Chardonnay, včetně tématu batonnage - ano či ne a reduktivního stylu výroby bílých vín v Burgundsku. Teoretickou část doplní praktická degustace vín tří známých burgundských apelací.
Kapacita konference je omezena na 85 účastníků. Neváhejte a přihlaste se na webu soutěže nebo Národního vinařského centra.
Soutěž a konferenci organizuje a pořádá Svaz vinařů ČR za podpory Vinařského fondu ČR, Národního vinařského centra, o.p.s. a dalších organizací. Generálním partnerem je společnost Vinařský ráj.
07. 05. 2024
Osmnáctý ročník mezinárodní soutěže vín Oenoforum – Czech International Wine Competition odstartuje už ve čtvrtek 20. června v 9 hodin mezinárodní vinařskou konferencí. Na zámku ve Slavkově u Brna se tak uskuteční přednášky předních odborníků ve vinařství postavené na praktických příkladech a degustaci diskutovaných vín. Letošním tématem je odrůda Chardonnay - Quo vadis? Pozice, vývoj a perspektiva odrůdy révy vinné v blízkých regionech Evropy.
Hlavní přednášku povede zástupce Vinařství Jülg z německé vinařské oblasti Pfalz. Vinařství založil v roce 1961 Oskar Jülg a stal se průkopníkem používání dubových sudů, které byly v Německu dlouho zapovězené. Na konferenci jsme pozvali bratry Jülgovy, již třetí generaci této vinařské rodiny. Díky poloze na pomezí německých a francouzských hranic ochutnáme různé ročníky vín spojené francouzským stylem zpracování a německé preciznosti. Styl, který je, dle jejich slov, moderní ale ne módní, přímý a pokud jde o kvalitu, tak nekompromisní.
Dalším zahraničním hostem bude Louis de La Brosse, který už více než 5 let pracuje v jednom z nejslavnějších bednářství světa Francois Fréres. Do této firmy přišel s mnohaletými zkušenostmi z burgundských vinařství (např. Chateau Pommard), takže bychom na problematiku práce se sudy jen těžko hledali povolanějšího řečníka.
Tuzemské vinařství a práci s odrůdou Chardonnay pak odprezentuje Jaromír Gala ze stejnojmenného vinařství. Při jeho přednášce ochutnáme růžné ročníky vín terroiru Pálava.
Kapacita konference je omezena na 85 účastníků, proto neváhejte s přihlášením zde na webu v sekci Konference.
Organizátorem a pořadatelem soutěže a konference je Svaz vinařů ČR. Soutěž podporuje Vinařský fond České republiky, Národní vinařské centrum, o.p.s. a další organizace. Generálním partnerem akce je společnost Vinařský ráj.
Těšíme se na setkání na slavkovském zámku,
19. 06. 2023
The two-day 17th Oenoforum - Czech International Wine Competition held in the Mikulov Chateau congress hall produced the following results. The best young wine was the Moravian Sauvignon, the best white wine was the Welschriesling and the Moravian and Czech wines had six more winners in various categories. The remaining two champion titles went to Slovakia and Moldova. Oenoforum is organized by the Union of Winegrowers of the Czech Republic under the auspices of the OIV - International Organization for Wine and Viticulture as the single largest wine competition in the Czech Republic.
Sauvignon 2022, late harvest, by Štěpán Maňák won the champion title in the young wine category. The best white wine was Welschriesling 2021, selection of grapes, by the Kněží hora winery. The best red wine was Domeniille Cuza Malbeck, 2021, IGT by the Moldovan Vinaria Domeniille Cuza and the title for the best cuvée went to the Slovak wine 3 Brugundy 2021, PDO wine by the Víno Mrva & Stanko winery.
Our winemakers won in 6 categories:
"This year's edition followed the format of the previous editions comparing wines from all over the world while highlighting the significance of global varieties of grapevine, namely Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon, but also our traditional varieties grown in the Czech Republic, i.e. Welschriesling and Pálava. Once again, we have also maintained our long-standing ambition to accept a maximum of 600 samples to allow sufficient space for evaluation and to maintain the emphasis on the quality of the wines entered. However, Oenoforum is not only a competition, it also has an educational part in the form of a conference. Last year, a new format was introduced in which we always focus on two typical varieties in a typical terroir in the context of traditional versus modern processing in two nearby regions. Every year we choose a different, but original and in a way exceptional venue and this year the choice fell on the conference hall at the Chateau in Mikulov, a town that undoubtedly belongs among the main centres of Moravian winemaking and is internationally well-known for this tradition," said Ing. Martin Půček, executive director of the organizing Union of Winemakers.
517 wines from Austria, France, Slovakia, Portugal, Italy, Chile, Bulgaria, Moldova, Spain and naturally the Czech Republic were entered into the 17th Oenoforum 2023 wine competition. The competition took place on 16 and 17 June in the congress hall of the Mikulov Chateau. The programme of the competition also included an international wine conference a day earlier on the topic RYZLINK VLAŠSKÝ & SAUVIGNON BLANC, Quo vadis, Development and perspectives of two global grape varieties in two close regions - Austria and the Czech Republic, where the speakers were leading wine experts from both countries.
The organizer and promoter of the competition and conference is the Union of Winemakers of the Czech Republic. The competition is supported by the Wine Fund of the Czech Republic, the National Wine Centre, o.p.s. and other organizations. The competition was held under the auspices of the Governor of the South Moravian Region Jan Grolich and the Mayor of Mikulov Jitka Sobotková. The general partner of the event is the company Vinařský ráj.
For more information about the competition and the conference, visit www.oenoforum.cz or www.facebook.com/oenoforum/.
For more information:
Ing. Martin Půček, Union of Winegrowers, competition director
E-mail: martin.pucek@svcr.cz
Tel: +420 606 743 231
Svaz vinařů České republiky
Žižkovská 1230, P.O.Box 34
691 02 Velké Bílovice
Lenka Křivánková
info and registration
+420 602 582 589
Ing. Martin Půček
Competition director
+420 606 743 231
Lenka Křivánková
marketing manager
+420 602 582 589